Mistook Their Nods For An Approval

Just ignore the smoke and smile...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Turning Over A New Leaf"

Well, I'm turning over a new leaf, so to speak. My new company is finally getting somewhere, as we make more progress on version 1 of our product, and we've chosen a company name: Falling Leaf Systems. We aim to provide a hypervisor that allows end users to run Windows, Linux, and OS X simultaneously with full hardware access and tight integration between them, but I won't say anymore on that yet.

Nothing else is really going on. Work is fun, but tiring, as would be expected. I've been working on some cool stuff, relearning Java (I love new languages)

I've been relearning all the low-level stuff I knew, and coding a ton of assembly lately. It's nice to get away from Python for a bit, despite loving it.

Speaking of love, I've been spending every moment I can with my fiancee Nika, and she's able to come down for Spring Break, finally! :D I've never been happier in my life, even to just hold her for a few moments. I can't wait until we can see each other every day. Nothing could be better than that. :)

Well, I'll leave you all with a little challenge. This one is easy. What does this function do:

pop %eax
jmp %eax

Keep in mind that that's the entire function when submitting your answer.

Happy hacking,
- Cody Brocious